Pet Sitting Calendar Made Easy

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Scout Makes Managing your Pet Sitting Calendar a Breeze

Scheduling is a big part of managing a dog walking business. Changes to the schedule are constant when you have busy clients and a growing staff. Scout makes changing the time or assigned staff member a breeze using the calendar's built-in Staff view. When in Staff view, select one or more pet sitters. Drag the appointment to a different time or staff member, drop the appointment in place, and you’re done!

Save time Scheduling

Staff view helps users make quick scheduling changes by providing a great visual representation of each dog walker's day. Have you accidentally scheduled staff without enough travel time, or overlapped longer appointments? In Staff view managers instantly see how long an appointment is and if there's enough travel time. Select one or more pet sitters and with a quick scroll, you will see any potential issues.

Staff view also helps streamline appointment approvals. First, use the filter to select all staff members that would be a good fit for the appointment. In an instant, you can see if there is an opening.  Managers finish by dragging and dropping the pending appointment into place. Finally, save and approve the appointment. Easy as that!

In addition to using the staff view to approve appointments, Scout has a handy dashboard. All pending appointments can be seen in a list view, and are sorted by the service date. Just click on the link to open the appointment details and approve it.

Automate Your Billing

In Scout, the schedule and the billing aren't two separate entities. Instead, they work together by using Smart Charges to link common fees to the customer's invoice. If you charge for things like weekends and holidays, you don't need to do anything special. Just turn on the Smart Charge and Scout knows when it's appropriate to charge the fee based on the date of the appointment check-in.Scheduling in Scout is designed to be easy for customers and provide a level of automation for business managers that lets them spend more time growing the business.

Do you have a favorite feature of your own? Be sure to let us know!

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