Helping 1,100+ dog walking & pet sitting companies generate tens of millions in revenue every month.

Simple Pricing. No Surprises.


Annually (2 free months!)

From Solo to a Big Business

Every feature at one, flat, monthly price.

$32.50/month, billed annually
check small 2
Unlimited Invoices
check small
Unlimited Clients
check small
Unlimited Support
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60 day money-back guarantee

Add-Ons for Growth

Let's talk

Ready to take your business to the next level? Reach out to get a fully-branded app and/or a SEO-optimized website to impress your customers and set yourself apart from competitors.

Scout works, so you don’t have to.

convenient scheduling


Your entire business organized and at your fingertips.
zero effort payments


Mobile apps, notifications, and scheduling keep staff and clients connected on the go.
real time updates


Supporting you is our obsession. We’re there in minutes, not hours.
convenient scheduling

Keep Organized

Ditch spreadsheets and email threads for seamless communication tools.
zero effort payments

Stay Informed

Access pet history and important client information before each appointment.
realtime updates

Build Trust

Keep clients in the loop with photo check-ins, GPS tracking, and report cards.
dogs small

Make a difference with every booking

With every appointment you complete, we donate a portion of our revenue to charitable organizations that help improve the lives of animals.

Learn more

Love. Love. Love Scout!

"Ever since we've adopted Scout into our business, it's been night and day. It makes our services more transparent and easier for the customer to book. Scout's customer service is also amazing. You never feel they're too busy to help and they always get back to you if they aren't able to help right away.""

tuxedo mutt testimonial

Ready to impress your customers?

Join 1,000+ successful pet companies from around the world who already trust Scout to run their businesses.
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60 day money-back guarantee